Thursday, 31 May 2012

You Can Run, But You Can Never Hide...

A beautiful day calls for time outside, and I answered that call in multiple ways.  I weeded different gardens, mowed lawns, and picked roses that smelled ever-so-sweet.

After lunch, I felt I needed to be outside again, and it was time to bike to the library.  It was so pleasant, not too warm or cold, and the air smelled very fresh.  After browsing biographies of old actors (Julie Andrews, Christopher Plummer, Jimmy Stewart and others) for about an hour, I checked out my books and went on my way again, in order to escape something that was bothering me.

Crossing the busy main street, I decided to read a book by the Mississippi River (read a book sitting near the river, not written by the river).  I was so excited to delve into the wonderful pages and travel to another world for a few moments.  At first, I wanted to read on some steps, but they were marked off with yellow caution tape, probably because of the rainfall/water gauge levels.

But alas, (I will restrain from divulging all details while being over-dramatic), the very element I was attempting to escape found me. And I was not even trying to let it.

I fought it, by the river, sitting very distractedly, while reading my book.  I was glad when I looked at my iPod and found it was time for me to cook supper.

On the ride home I thought about this little happening (how even though I tried to flee from something, it was where I fled to) and was struck with the realisation that has actually struck me more than once:  Running from situations, no matter how trivial they may be, will not mend anything.

Running is always an option, but hiding is not a best friend.  It is too often that we should be fighting instead of running.


  1. Face the muuusic and daaance! :D

  2. You really do have some wisdom there. It's something I definitely forget too often.
