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After not being able to attend church for about two months, I was finally able to worship together, with family, at church.
It's been a lot of 'getting it together', and I become tired of people judging.
"When are you moving out?"
"Why don't you have your own car?"
"Do you even drive??!"
"So, tell me, why aren't you at a University?"
Um, well? Yes well.
Going to church today was the best thing that's happened to me in a long time, and God really opened my eyes to some extremely frivolous things I've been spending my time on.
Through this winter I've felt physically sluggish and have wanted to exercise more. When March 1st arrived yesterday, I was emphatic to start a routine. And I did.
Then, I went to church this morning, and just sat soaking everything in. Everything was all so relevant, and the fervor of the children's choir was ever-so-convicting. After communion and the message, I thought about how little time I've dedicated to Christ personally and how I'd never actually do that to one of my friends. Sin is so distracting, and as Pastor Jason stated (in his message on Hebrews 3:12-15), it is because it promises fleeting pleasures. And we all know how they over-promise and under-deliver.
Christ does neither.
As the sermon came to a close, I thought about my regimen, one day completed, thirty to go. We stood to sing one last melody, and I did so with gusto, it being a favorite.
Come, ye sinners, poor and needy,
Weak and wounded, sick and sore;
Jesus ready stands to save you,
Full of pity, love and pow’r.
I will arise and go to Jesus,
He will embrace me in His arms;
In the arms of my dear Savior,
Oh, there are ten thousand charms.
Let not conscience make you linger,
Nor of fitness fondly dream;
All the fitness He requireth
Is to feel your need of Him.
With that said, my eyes were more like thrust open. Seriously, how much more clear could it be? Nor of fitness fondly dream?! All the fitness he requireth is to feel your need of Him. I knew I had to stop. Quite convicted, I walked out, realized there was no one I knew at all, walked right back in, sat down, and prayed for a while.
A friend saw me later and we continued together for a time, but I learned a lesson today. Christ is more important than anything I dream of fondly. And oh, ever-wandering, doubting, little Israelite; Look at His mighty hand and the dangers He has delivered you from, and rejoice.
Here are live links to the sermon and a recording of the song. Enjoy.
Fernando Ortega and Amy Grant: Come ye Sinners Poor and Needy
Bethlehem; Sermons by Date
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