Here's some food for thought.
Starting Anew - Anybody doing, or trying to do a lot of this lately? I have, especially by cleaning my room (erm, and attempting to keep it clean) and beginning new classes, but most of all, being mindful of the word more and more each day. So often I am caught up in myself and how I could be doing artsy and impressive acts, when in reality, I'm just trying to make me feel better. Cleaning my room I found a little origami box, a leftover from a Father-Daughter Tea our church held last April, and inside? 2 Corinthians 5:17
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation;
old things have passed away, behold, all tyhings have become new."
Little Moments - I met a high-schooler at work, and, as believers, we have the greatest connection. We see the world differently and know it, and it has been a blessing to pray for and with her. She has a heart for serving the Lord, which sometimes puts me in my place. When I worked with her last, I sat with her while she waited for her parents, and we were able to share prayer requests and even read Psalm 139, reminding us to not only not think of the things of this world, but to think of God and His precious thoughts.Driving - I admit, I do see it as a privilege, despite the wary faces of my family. I slipped into a small pothole yesterday, to the chagrin of la corps de familie, but all is well, and we continue traversing the roads of mid-wintered Midwestern Minnesota.
Alfred Hitchcock - Now how in the world is THAT a blessing? Well. Last night....we watched VERTIGO, and it disturbed more more than any film I spent time on (well, next to the trailer of the deplorable, don't waste-your-time Clockwork Orange). Of all the sci-fi, WWII, action, and murder mystery/movies, this was intense. Seriously, it wasn't graphic at all; I just take the mind part more seriously. (Wonder what The Birds will be like...) Going to sleep was interesting; thank goodness for Bach Fugues and praising God for the normal life I have with my amazing family, because sometimes, weirdness makes me even more grateful for them.
Borrowing, Lending - It's always lovely to help others when they need it; do someone's dishes one day, split logs another, make food, help with homework. I love when siblings share. Nothing specific, just share.
"And do not forget to do good and to share with others,
for with such sacrifices God is pleased." Hebrews 13:16
FIRE - Please do not think of me as a pyro. You see, we have this hearty wood stove in our kitchen, and if cold, people are always found in 'the cove', or the little nook with chairs and bookshelves and other cozy things. Good for fellowship, see? And devotions before bed; one can't go wrong there.
Air - When snow melts, it possesses this peculiar scent. I call it the anticipation of Spring. It probably has something to do with the chemically strict melting point of water, but it's exciting. (But you're crazy, E, thinking of spring in Minnesota mid-January!) Hmph. As far as I know, Spring marches in when it does, so I can study away while it readies itself.
I hope you all have a lovely week. Stay in the Word!
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