This week, I am essentially getting ready for my last semester in high school. I won't spend much time on it; if one really wants to hear of it, I am not opposed to being asked.
I never imagined I would be where I am, where God has brought me, doing all that he already planned for me to do. But enough of my musings; I aught to write of the blessings!
Food – Because we couldn't celebrate a family member's birthday on his specific day, we did so a few days ago, with our grandparents. On accident, the food prepared by others beforehand was somehow forgot, so I stepped up and volunteered to make a tasty birthday dinner. I had three hours. I survived (and thankfully everyone else did, too), but I found it interesting how changed plans do not bother me as much as they used to.
Piano – I have a piano competition coming up, and it's really intimidating because I am driving to another city just for the competition. However: God's been so very good, as my piece is coming along as well. The reason I wrote piano as a blessing is because I had one of the most amazing piano lessons this past week. I am still trying to figure out why, perhaps it's because I am excited for the competition, but whatever it was, I had a exceedingly exciting lesson. The end.
Clean Rooms – So much time off from school should be spent in relaxation, especially if you go into shock from break, feeling useless and having no deadlines. I decided to change that this break, and so I took a day and cleaned my room, because relaxing doesn't need all of my time. A clean room is a simple blessing, but it's even more relaxing and inviting. I also have to study in my room, and a clean study space is also much easier to focus in.
PSEO Books – (And PSEO in general.) I have one shelf I keep all school books on, and at the moment, they look a bit intimidating. It is a bit ridiculous that the art books are so very huge, but the more hefty are the Nortons. Oh Nortons, you anthologies of criticism... . In all honesty, I am excited about them; each holds a different experience, an experience waiting for me to experience it. I probably won't be so epiphany-minded about them in a few months, but at least I do not have to pay the seven hundred dollar bill! (...blessing)
Old Friends – (Yes, I have old friends.) This past week, we went to visit my parents' old church, and some dear missionary friends of ours. We only see them every year and a half (or so), but it's never awkward. And it shouldn't be: We are united in Christ, and greeting one another with that in mindset sets a stage for connectivity that cannot be broken. Though we do not see them every week at church, ever visit them, or spend extensive time with them, simply knowing them is a blessing because it stresses the fact that we hold a brother and sisterhood bond in Christ.
Water - Living far North has its quirks. Our water is not exactly wonderful (very hard, sodium high), unless it is straight from the well. If we drink it from the tap, it's not nice water unless it's after a beautiful rain. I am not that picky about water, but it wouldn't be good for us to drink all of our sodium, either. We have a system though, and we're thankful for gallon jugs of clean water.
Finding a Book – Scout and Morgan Books; three thrift stores; Cambridge Christian Books; Bear Books. No finds. Our church is offering a semester course on apologetics, and I, being the analyst and thinker I am, prayed about the study, then decided to try it out. Finding the book was not as easy as I thought, though. Every time we asked of Lee Strobel's The Case for Christ, the clerks would escort me to the “used religion” sections. I had to keep my self from laughing, but I also cringed at the sound of used religion. It sounds horrific; but it made me so very grateful for my personal relationship with my merciful Savior. The last place we checked was the ugly, horrendous, hideous, and grotesque-looking library in Cambridge. I can't complain, though as even the ugly library is a blessing, for in it, I found one, single, hardcover 1991 edition. The librarian did not understand my exhilaration, nor did she respond to my thanks. We found the book, and I think I'll enjoy the course.
Have a great weekend!
You're awesome. Just sayin'. These posts are regular? I like them.