Friday, 8 March 2013

Of Seven Blessings

Plays - Mahalia. Words are not enough:  A dear friend of our wrote a musical (yes, we have friends in high places), and gave us a cassette tape recording when we were all very young.  Being the gospel lovers we are, we not only listened to the tape, but we grew up with it, quoting it like most children do Pixar movies.  Imagine our surprise and delight when we were given complimentary tickets to a fabulous performance this past weekend!  It is such a blessing, and seeing Mahalia live for the first time ever was exceedingly exciting.

Dumps - just when Minnesotans think we're in the last stretch /again/, we get another cold snap or dump of snow, reminding us of the unpredictability of the beautiful place God's given us to call home.

Air - (On the other hand, after the dumps...) The snow was melting yesterday, and even though the sinus prevents the senses a bit, it is getting warm, and the snow won't be able to be oppressive much longer.

Notes - I got mail, and it's oh-so-nice to get it.  People don't realize how good it is to give and get hand-writ notes.  It's friendly, that's all. I wrote my masterpiece on that, and someday I might just have to showcase it here. >>Hint hint: You all could make someone's day by writing a note; just do it!

Standing Up - Standing up for people (ahem, my friends).  Sometimes, perhaps because I don't care what others think about me, I can say things without people gawking.  The other day someone made some uncouth remark about a friend of mine, and I just told them to stop.  It's so dumb to shovel dirt on others, and I don't approve.  So watch out. If I am around when you say something uncouth, I won't sit silently. And If I say something wrong, don't let yourself sit silently either. We are not here to be silent.

Joy in Giving - I have a friend I've known for quite a while, and their 18th birthday was this past week, so I made a pretty card. In my excitement I completely forgot to take a picture, but it was a dark silver and mahogany crepe/tissue paper flower complete with pestles and stamens. It was attached to the card on the petal of a flat music sheet flower that opened up into a card, but the best part is seeing the joy in a person's face when I give them something. This was priceless, and I know it blessed them, but it also blessed me to know it was enjoyed thoroughly.

Switchfoot - Awesome; period the end.  Whenever I get under, I listen to them.  Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil.  The Word is ever there, but Switchfoot is a little helpmate.  I don't care if it's "bang bang" music for a sick person.

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